Tzolk’in Command Line Client

You can try the command line client in an interactive Jupyter Notebook at MyBinder: tzolkin_calendar Command Line Client

We start the command line client of tzolkin-calendar using python -m: beware of the underscore (_)

% python -m tzolkin_calendar
Gregorian "24.03.2021" is "3 Men" as Tzolk’in

As default, if no argument is given, the Tzolk’in date of the current day (‘today’ ins the 24th of March, 2021) is printed.

To get the version of tzolkin_calendar, use the argument --version

% python -m tzolkin_calendar --version
tzolkin-calendar 0.9.3

The argument --help displays a short usage text, we go through all options in the following parts.

% python -m tzolkin_calendar --help
usage: python -m tzolkin_calendar [-h] [--version] [-l LIST_LENGTH]
                                  [-s START_DATE] [-y]
                                  [DATE ...]

A Tzolk’in date converter and calculator.


To get the Tzolk’in date of today:

 python -m tzolkin_calendar

To get the next and last gregorian dates with a Tzolk’in date of '8 Chuwen' you can use either:

 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8 Chuwen
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8/Chuwen
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8.Chuwen
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8-Chuwen
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8 11
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8/11
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8.11
 python -m tzolkin_calendar 8-11

To get the Tzolk’in date of the 16th april 2016, use one of these date formats:

    python -m tzolkin_calendar 16.04.2016
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 16-04-2016
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 16 04 2016
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 2016.04.16
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 2016-04-16
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 2016/04/16
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 2016 04 16
    python -m tzolkin_calendar 04/16/2016

positional arguments:
  DATE                  The date to parse and convert. Either a Tzolk’in date or a gregorian date can be given. The default is the date of today.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
                        Display a list of dates with the given Tzolk’in date instead of a single one. The length of the list is LIST_LENGTH.
                        The start date to begin the search for the dates with the same Tzolk’in date. The same formatting rules apply as for the main argument DATE.
  -y, --year            Print all dates of a Tzolk’in year.

See website for a detailed description.

Converting Gregorian Dates to Tzolk’in Dates

To get the Tzolk’in date of a Gregorian date use the Gregorian date as the main argument to tzolkin_calendar.

E.g. to get the Tzolk’in date of the 18th of May, 1974, which is “12 Akʼbʼal”

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 18.05.1974
Gregorian "18.05.1974" is "12 Akʼbʼal" as Tzolk’in
Many date format conventions are supported, any of these work (and result in the 18th of May, 1974):
DD.MM.YYYY - 18.05.1974
DD-MM-YYYY - 18-05-1974
DD MM YYYY - 18 05 1974
YYYY.MM.DD - 1974.05.18
YYYY-MM-DD - 1974-05-18
YYYY/MM/DD - 1974/05/18
YYYY MM DD - 1974 05 18
MM/DD/YYYY - 05/18/1974
% python -m tzolkin_calendar 05/18/1974
Gregorian "05/18/1974" is "12 Akʼbʼal" as Tzolk’in

Searching Tzolk’in Dates

To search for Gregorian Dates to a given Tzolk’in date, input the Tzolk’in date to search for.

As default the search is started today (the 24th of March, 2021). So, we search for “13 Lamat”

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 13 Lamat
Tzolk’in date "13 Lamat" next date is "24.08.2021", last date has been "07.12.2020"

The next gregorian date with a Tzolk’in date of “12 Lamat” after today (the 24th of March 2021) is the 24th od August, 2021, the last gregorian date before today has been the 7th of December 2020.

We again can use many formats to pass as Tzolk’in dates: DD NNNN - 13 Lamat
DD/NNNN - 13/Lamat
DD.NNNN - 13.Lamat
DD-NNNN - 13-Lamat

Instead of the name, we can also use the number of the day name (between 1 and 20), so instead of “Lamat” we could use the number 8. The valid formats are again (with or without leading zeroes). DD NN - 13 8 DD/NN - 13/8 DD.NN - 13.8 DD-NN - 13-8

We can also search starting at other days than today, so lets start the search at the 18th of May 1974, this is the argument to --start

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 13 Lamat --start 18.05.1974
Tzolk’in date "13 Lamat" next date is "31.08.1974", last date has been "14.12.1973"

Now the search returned the 31th of August, 1974 as the next and the 14th of December 1974 as the last Gregorian date with the same Tzolk’in date.

We can also search for more than one date in the future and the past, by using the argument --list, which is the number of Gregorian dates to return. Lets search for 5 Gregorian dates with a Tzolk’in date of “13 Lamat”, starting at the 18th of May, 1974.

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 13 Lamat --start 18.05.1974 --list 5
Tzolk’in date "13 Lamat"
 next dates are ['31.08.1974', '18.05.1975', '02.02.1976', '19.10.1976', '06.07.1977']
 last dates have been ['14.12.1973', '29.03.1973', '12.07.1972', '26.10.1971', '08.02.1971']

So we’re getting 5 Gregorian dates after and before the 18th of May, 1974.

Without an --start argument, we start the search today (the 24th of March, 2021).

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 13 Lamat --list 5
Tzolk’in date "13 Lamat"
 next dates are ['24.08.2021', '11.05.2022', '26.01.2023', '13.10.2023', '29.06.2024']
 last dates have been ['07.12.2020', '22.03.2020', '06.07.2019', '19.10.2018', '01.02.2018']

We can make the list as long as we want, but if the list would be too long, we ran out of the valid calendar days.

% python -m tzolkin_calendar 13 Lamat --list 10000
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./tzolkin_calendar/", line 432, in lastTzolkin
    return starting + day_diff_delta
OverflowError: date value out of range